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Was supper surprised that the map was so large and detailed. Looks like a good start, can't wait to see how this turns out.


Very good concept and animation. I like the style you've chosen. Good starting point and looking forward to seeing further updates! 

do you have a linux build planed ?

I played with medium graphics on a PC GTX1050/ i5/ 8GB RAM. It worked very smoothly for the first 7 minutes, but then the game froze and completely crashed my PC. I'll follow the development and maybe feature it on my adult gaming channel. I would like to suggest an option to increase the brightness and subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese. Good work and a friendly hug!

Obrigado por compartilhar sua experiência e pelo feedback tão detalhado! 😊 Fico feliz que o jogo tenha rodado bem no início, mas lamento muito pelo travamento. Vou investigar os possíveis problemas de desempenho e farei o possível para otimizar ainda mais o jogo nas próximas atualizações.

Também adorei as sugestões de aumentar o brilho e adicionar legendas em português do Brasil – com certeza irei considerá-las para melhorar a experiência dos jogadores. E fico animado(a) com a possibilidade de ver Desire's Mirror no seu canal! Muito obrigado pelo apoio e um abraço amigável de volta! 🙌

Obrigado e se precisar, me procure pelo email do canal. Desejo sucesso ao seu jogo e um abraço amigo!

(1 edit)

upgrade your pc, to play the game, sorry if cannot do that, please don't over work your pc.

Pretty cool game, the concept is great but only three animation a little bit sad, but its have a great potential! good luck in development

Thank you so much for your feedback and kind words! 😊 I’m glad you enjoyed the concept, and I totally understand your point about the animations. The game is still in its early stages, but rest assured, more animations and features are coming! 🎮 I’m committed to continuously improving Desire's Mirror, and your support really helps keep me motivated.

Stay tuned for future updates, and thanks again for playing! 🙏